Baseball Heroes Hack Tool

Get max 600 skill points added to your baseball heroes account free using this baseball heroes skill points hack  Get more skill points even when your character level is still low. No need to get into training just to have skill points! Just use the Baseball Heroes Skill Points Hack  and you'll get the max 600 skill points instantly!

Note: You can only add up to 200 Skill Points each using this hack tool minus the amount of skill points you already have. Skill Points from items are not counted.

Contact - 200 Skill Points ||
Power - 200 Skill Points || Total of 600 Skill Points!
Luck - 200 Skill Points ||

How to use:
1. Download Baseball Heroes Skill Points Hack 
2. Extract the .zip file
3. Run the application
4. Login to your facebook account
5. Input your desired number of Skill Points (max 200 points each)
6. Click "Add" button and wait until the application is done.
7. Login to your Baseball Heroes account in facebook or simply refresh the page to see the changes.
8. Enjoy your free Skill Points!